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Random Silliness (without the use of children)

So, most people that have blogs have a certain subject they often use as their subject matter, and often that's children or something. I don't have kids yet, but I have the funniest darn things happen to me on a regular basis! Even if these things involve me and humiliation, I always share my stories with others, so I'm now typing it instead of telling the story over and over. I am a firm advocate of laughing hysterically as often as possible, and I hope my random stories help you laugh, too!

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I married him because...

a. He makes me laugh.
Example: I bought a gallon of sweet tea on my way home from work tonight because my parents are visiting this weekend. It's not that they can't visit if we don't have it, but I like to have a variety of drinks when we have any company (okay, so now we have water, milk AND sweet tea - BIG variety!!!), and there's a place that makes THE BEST sweet tea anywhere, and it's on my way home, so I stopped and got some. Most people might go get things like milk and snack food when they have guests, but my must-have is sweet tea! So, the husband had his eye on it, and I told him it was for our guests. His reply was (in his most dorky voice) "Yep. I *guest* that you bought that for me."

b. He fixes things.
Example: Tonight, I made him some espresso with my new best friend (the espresso maker), and a little screw fell out. I mentioned it to him (while it was still hot), and he jumped up (the same man that was too busy and tired from writing a paper to get up and make his own damn coffee) and ran in to see what tools he needed to go get to fix it. I told him it was hot and it could wait a while to be fixed. He said he had to fix it right then. He needs an intervention...right now. I think appliances "complete him" or something. He's at one with our appliances. It's a sickness that he has that makes him unable to function when an appliance cannot function. It's like one twin being able to sense when another is in pain. car makes a funny squealy sound, and he's been sleeping okay at night knowing that. Hmmmm....



At 4:18 PM, Blogger Queen Of Cheese said...

Doesn't everyone have a Camo EJ shirt? My favorite cups come from there, tea just tastes better in one!


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